Tuesday, April 29, 2008

9 month checkup (at 9mo and 3 weeks)

Will was such a good boy at the doctors today. He was waving at everyone and smiling and talking. He usually cries when we weigh him and lay him on the table but not today. So here are his stats. Weight- 21lbs (47%) Height- 30.5 in (93%) Head Circumference 18" (52%). Apparently he has been eating to many orange/yellow veggies because she said his face was tinted so we have to incorporate more of the other colors. Basically peas. Unless I can get him to eat green beans. Maybe I can dump bananas over them and fool him. So our little orange man is good and healthy!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Will at GG's house
Great Aunt Martha, Will, Great Great Aunt Ann and Uncle Ernest
Aunt Martha and Anna Grace
Aunt Mary

Hey,put some barbque on my carrots! I've done my chores, now where's my allowance?
Hey mom, catch me if I fall.
Look out here I come!
Anybody seen Will?

Will and I just got back from a trip to VA. We went to visit with GG and Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins. Will did really well considering it took 11 hours to get there. We made several stops so that he could have a break from the car seat. I am proud of him. We enjoyed seeing the family and Will got to meet his Great Great Aunt Ann and Uncle Ernest and his Great Aunt Martha and Aunt Mary and Uncle Burnley. And cousin Laura, Anna Grace and Frank, Shaun and Seth. Just before we left for our trip Will started letting go of what he was holding on to and walking across the room. He has really got the hang of it now. He's gotten a few scratches from where he's fallen down but he just get's right back up and takes off. I think he enjoys walking. He's walking more now that crawling. I discovered his 5th tooth while we were away. That one snuck in on me. He's learned to wave whenever you say goodbye to him. He'll even occasionally say bye bye. It's pretty cute. Grandma and Granddad love to make him wave. We go to the dr next week so I'll update again after his visit.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Baby Steps - 9 months

Logan and Will

Crystal and Logan

Will is a Vanessa's 1st Birthday party (that's his girlfriend)

Well, I have a few things to update you on. Will is 9 months now. I don't know how much he weighs because we haven't been to the dr yet. But, in moms measurement- he's heavy! He just got another tooth on tuesday so that makes 4- 2top and 2bottom. He is starting to figure out how to take steps. Last week he started with one. Last night he was taking 3 1/2 little ones before plopping on his bum. I have a feeling he'll be running before next month. I caught him in the bathroom this morning playing with the toilet paper. I think every kid has a picture or two of them unrolling the toilet paper so now we've reached that milestone. I tend to think that there will be much more of that in the future. This time was rather mild. We did go visit Crystal, Ben and Logan a few weeks ago. Logan and Will are cute to watch together. Will wanted to borrow Logan's paci (which was attached to him) and pull on his bib. Logan wasn't real thrilled with that. I think this trip was more for Crystal and me than the boys. Oh well, we got some cute pictures. Of course the last picture is not of Will but I thought Sidney looked so cute so I had to include it. She had just been to the groomers and was shaved. They put a bandana around her neck and I just modified it a little.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Visit with Mammaw and Grandmom

Yeaaaaa look who's here- Mammaw and Grandmom
It sure have missed you Mammaw.
Here they go with the picture taking already.

I love you Mammaw!
Dad, take one of Grandmom and me.
I'm so glad you came to visit with me Grandmom
My wonderful family- 4 generations
We all had a very nice visit over the weekend with Mammaw and Grandmom. We sure did miss Pappaw and wish he could have come too. We hated to see them go and can't wait until we can see everyone again. Thanks for my new summer clothes and the money for my piggy bank!