This is my horse. I call him Jazzy...

it was Mommy's 30 years ago.
Even though Will is just turning 2, he's had a case of the terrible twos for quite some time. He can be a sweet as possible and in an instant- look out- something comes over him and he's quite the little dickens. He had a nice party last weekend. All the grandparents were down and few family friends were over. He liked his happy cake (that's what he calls birthday cake) and enjoyed all the new gifts he received- thomas the train toys, jumping toys, clothes, a book, a tractor, bowling set and few other nice things. He received quite a few nice cards in the mail as well. He went for his 24 month check up this week. His height is 37 1/4 inches (97%) and weighs 30 lbs (73%). Think he'll really be 6'2"? They said double a kids height a 2 to find their adult height. We'll just have to wait 20 years and find out. He is just as active as he's always been. It's rough now that he can open the refigerator door- he just helps himself- and he can eat! His favorite at the moment is toss between strawberries and raisins. His favorite color seems to be orange. He wants to wear an orange shirt each morning and gets really excited when he sees an orange truck. Today he watched his Daddy mow the grass. He said " Will (which sounds like wool) watch daddy tractor window. Daddy tractor mow grass." Then made a sound like the lawn mower. I just thought it was adorable. Well hope you enjoy the pictures from the last several weeks.
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