Well, I have a few things to update you on. Will is 9 months now. I don't know how much he weighs because we haven't been to the dr yet. But, in moms measurement- he's heavy! He just got another tooth on tuesday so that makes 4- 2top and 2bottom. He is starting to figure out how to take steps. Last week he started with one. Last night he was taking 3 1/2 little ones before plopping on his bum. I have a feeling he'll be running before next month. I caught him in the bathroom this morning playing with the toilet paper. I think every kid has a picture or two of them unrolling the toilet paper so now we've reached that milestone. I tend to think that there will be much more of that in the future. This time was rather mild. We did go visit Crystal, Ben and Logan a few weeks ago. Logan and Will are cute to watch together. Will wanted to borrow Logan's paci (which was attached to him) and pull on his bib. Logan wasn't real thrilled with that. I think this trip was more for Crystal and me than the boys. Oh well, we got some cute pictures. Of course the last picture is not of Will but I thought Sidney looked so cute so I had to include it. She had just been to the groomers and was shaved. They put a bandana around her neck and I just modified it a little.
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