This is the first time in the big tub. If you look closely you can see his little teeth.

Will really loves his dog. Now that he's crawling Sidney better lookout.

This is Carley and she likes to bang him on the head with blocks.

What do you think she is saying to him? Sorry for hitting you on the head. ???

Here he is crawling.

Gotchya mama!

He hasn't learned to tilt it up yet.

Here is his first try at the sippy cup. Apple juice is yummy!!

He loves his baseball. Notice what hand it's in?

But.....he also like's his soccer ball. Maybe he'll be a well rounded athlete.

He's trying to catch a snowflake on his tongue.

Playing in the snow didn't go real well.

Believe me, he wasn't try to make a snow angel.

Thanks for the hat mammaw!

These are Will's girlfriends. Vanessa and Carlie

uh oh.. is he going to be a tarheels fan.....................

................Like his daddy?

Naaaahh......go CAVS!

This is the face he makes when he eats applesauce. Pretty cute in my opinion!

Just chillin'

He just learned to crawl and now he want's stand.
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