Will turned 4 months old last week. He went to the doctor for a check up and another series of shots. He weighs 14lbs 12oz and is 26 1/4 inches long. He is pretty tall for his age- 86 percentile. Nurse Chris said it was ok to start with solid food. We've been trying the cereal for the last couple of days and it's not going so good. He started out pretty good but now he doesn't want anything to do with it. He screams until you give him his milk. He loves his milk. I'll keep trying. Otherwise maybe we'll wait until next month. We're also practicing sitting up. He can actually do it for about 4 seconds. He's started holding his bottle from time to time too. We've recently had another break through. He's had 5 baths in a row without crying. We're really having a lot of fun with him now. He likes to read books, eat his fingers, drool, laugh out loud, grab noses, and squeal....loudly.
sounds like he takes after his auntie diane!
can't wait to see all of you tomorrow!!!
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