On 7-5-07, I started having contractions. I didn't know they were contractions at the time. I just thought it was from the greasy hamburger, fries and strawberry slushie from Sonic that Crystal made me eat for lunch. I told her I wanted the grilled chicken. Anyway, I started to realize that the cramping I was feeling was happening at regular intervals and told David that I should call the doctor. We got to the hospital at 11:00 and they confirmed that I was having contractions. At 2:00 my water broke and that's when I got the epidural. (Thank goodness for good drugs). I praise the women who do that naturally. I was thankful that I progressed on my own as quickly as I did. When the nurses shift changed, the new nurse came in and I asked her to please check me since I was having contractions in my hiny. She check and said I'll be right back with the delivery cart. Poor Dave was out getting coffee and when he came back in the room was filled with nurses and the look on his face was priceless. Next thing I know I gave 1 push to get him in position and two more to bring him into the world. He came out a screaming. Weighing in at 7lbs 6oz and 20 in. long and as cute as can be. We are all doing fine and he gets cuter by the day. What a great day for our family.
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