

Look at the tractor
Will is full of himself these days and thinks he runs this place. He’s so cute and so much fun though. He’s starting to say more and more. He is saying Didi (Sidney), juice, mommy, daddy, bye-bye. Night-night, pappaw, tractor, & baby, . He knows many of his animal sounds and understands most everything we tell him.
He is a big help around the house. He’ll unload the dishwasher, put clothes in the dryer, help clear the table, vacuum and swiffer. Do you think he knows it’s almost time for Santa?
He’s been pretty curious about the Christmas tree. He’s done a good job for the most part not touching the ornaments. It’s very tempting though.
We’ve created a time-out corner. I’m not sure it’s real punishing because we’ll find him sitting in it even when he hasn’t been bad. If he does get into some mischief and we holler no, he’ll go sit in time-out before we tell him too. I’m not sure what to think about that.
He has all of his teeth now- except for the 2 year molars- and has for about a month now. Good thing because there’s not much that he won’t eat. I think that he could sit in his high chair all day if the grapes, bananas, cheerios, and fig newtons were in a bottomless bowl.
He doesn’t stop much during the day and doesn’t like to play by himself. He’s certainly a full time job and I’m ready to go bed when he does. There’s a few grandparents out there that will attest to that.
David and I go into his room at night and watch him sleep. He is so peaceful and sweet. He’s our sweetheart and we thank the Lord every night for our sweet little Angel.